CRBE: Nephron, Dominion partner to open vaccination site

February 9, 2021

A new partnership between Nephron Pharmaceuticals Corp. and Dominion Energy South Carolina has created a drive-thru COVID-19 vaccination site in West Columbia.

The site, located off Interstate 77 at exit 2, is located on Dominion Energy property. Vaccinations are available by appointment only to eligible recipients.

Vaccine eligibility and scheduling information is available on the S.C. Department of Health and Environmental Control’s website.

“I am so proud to be a part of a powerful private sector partnership that is going to have an immediate impact on the community, region and state we all love so much,” Nephron owner and CEO Lou Kennedy said in a news release.

Nephron-registered nurses and pharmacists are administering vaccinations with assistance from Nephron CLIA-certified diagnostics lab employees.

“We are excited to have the opportunity to join Nephron in giving back, saving lives and helping return our state to normal,” said Keller Kissam, president of electric operations at Dominion Energy South Carolina. “When two great corporate citizens team up, there is no limit to the good we can do for our neighbors.”

COVID-19 testing is also available at the drive-thru. Nephron established a diagnostics lab last year in order to conduct COVID-19 tests and has since tested thousands of people across the state for COVID-19.

Nephron, headquartered in West Columbia, develops and produces generic inhalation solutions and suspension products and also operates a 503B Outsourcing Facility division that produces pre-filled sterile syringes and IV bags for hospitals across the country.

The company is completing a $215.8 million expansion at its Saxe-Gotha Industrial Park campus that includes a 110,000-square-foot vaccine production, chemotherapy drug and antibiotic wing expected to be operational in March.

Read the entire story at Columbia Regional Business Report.